Monday 7 July 2014

Day 4

And what a day it has been...up early and off to the Isle of Capri..a thirty minute ferry ride, and it certainly lives up to its reputation, beautiful, clean, & expensive, but the views are spectacular, the roads very narrow, and once again we are lost for words to describe the day, we visited 
 The Villa San Michele, and after touring the villa we went walking around the gardens well Paronella Park (qld) is very similar in some of the layouts, the views from here were something for sure...we were fortunate to have the time to also visit the Grotto, and the reflection of the water is something to see..well worth the visit...all in all one needs a lot more time on this island...everyone has gone for dinner at the home of some locals,  three sisters,  three homes, for a real Italian experience!!!!
Our stay at Sorrento has been full on but good, weather is as summer should be!!! Tomorrow we move on again..


View from the Chapel of Villa San Michele

Who needs large roundabouts!

The water at the Grotto

Reflection of the water on the roof of the grotto

 Small portion of Capri


  1. Stunning photos.You two must be having a ball.Thanks for posting all the photos.
    Love Sirpa

  2. Again looks great, wish we were there, love mum and jodie
