Monday 21 July 2014

Day 18 Regensburg - Nuremberg

By 8.00am we had passed the  Continental Divide, the highest point of our cruise...3 locks of 24.70m in height, were travassed and three times so far the canal has gone over the road, this stretch the Rhine-Main-Danube Canal is an interesting engineering masterpiece.the water being pumped into holding tanks on the side of the canal...this afternoon we were bussed into see the city of Nuremberg..what an interesting place, so much history, both good and bad...back on the ship for dinner and leaving port tonight's entertainment is a Bavarian Party with Zwaa Stiezi and lots of hum-pa-Paz music..
Into the lock
View from the lock
Inside the lock
Water filling the holding tank
Over the road..........and Nuremberg


  1. What great photos you have of that engineering marvel! You really can't believe the size of those locks until you're in them, can you? Not long to go now....enjoy it all!

  2. Great to get all your comments..thanks...a pity it will be over before we know it!

  3. you should take up photography as your new hobby,all the photos are amazing.
    Thanks Sirpa
