Friday 25 July 2014

Day 22 Rudesheim - Rhine Valley - Koblenz

Today was castle day, where we sailed the last kilometres of the Main River and entered the Rhine..We visited Rudesheim  which is famous for Siegfried's Musical Cabinet viewing and hearing a stunning collection of mechanical instruments and organs, there are very few folk left to keep this tradition going, where do you find someone who can put all those needles and dots on paper to put onto the keyboards to play music as it was played in the late 1800's and the early 1900's..those early instruments make the mind boggle..another World Heritage was nice to be able to wander  the cobble stones and see for ourselves, back on board we sampled  the Rudesheim  Coffee..Asbach brandy is a specialty..a sip of this brandy is poured into a special mug and set on fire - then doused with coffee and topped by whipped cream and chocolate flakes....if you are ever here do not miss it!!!
Off we sailed, (no on the ship,) to take in the castles and the majesty of the Rhine Gorge, no other river in the world has a greater concentration of castles or castle ruins than the Rhine has between Bingen and Koblenz...Docking in Koblenz it was dinner and then a guided walk around town Koblenz  is where the Rhine and Moselle Rivers merge..

       Landing at Frankfurt Airport
    Siegfried's Musical Museum, Rudesheim 

     Rhine Gorge..........sunset at Koblenz


  1. Yes, that musical museum was fabulous, esp the one with all the violins.Such history! Looking forward to sampling that coffee when you get home so hope you have the correct recipe. M and E

  2. Well that could be the interesting part, I hope so as well...
