Sunday 20 July 2014

Day 17 Passau - Regensburg

Leaving Passau we cruised to Regensburg, passing many locks and low bridges on the way, we are unable at the moment to use the sun deck as the bridges are too low. Just before lunch we passed the Walhalia a Greek Temple built by King Ludwig 1as Hall and Fame..arriving at Regensburg we left to have the usual guided tour but this time there was a sausage tasting..Regensburg is in the state of Bavaria, and located in the southeast of is a preserved medieval city on the banks of the Danube, and we are told its charm lies in its many narrow alleys, quaint squares, and all the cobbles, all the streets etc are cobbles..we are getting used to walking on these now...Today 34deg ...everyone who was not at the medieval festival or the markets were outside at the resturants eating etc...we had the sausage tasting not sure how to describe the taste on that one...Regensburg has the oldest bratwurst (sausage) kitchen in Germany, and was spared destruction in WW11.... It was also home to Oskar Schindler, remember Schindlers list the film...Pope Benedict XVl was born here, and his brother is a Priest here.. the BMW factory and the University are the largest employers...Tonight we sail the Main Danube Canel crossing the  Continental Divide in the morning..tonight a great evening of 60's-70's-80's. 

Sausage tasting 
Narrow streets & alleys
Drug shop
Cathedral of St Peter
Walhalia..Greek Temple .......sun deck nearly all folded down ready for low bridges

1 comment:

  1. Only a week to go! Hope sore throat improves quickly. We at coast with Geoff and Tam. Awfully dry everywhere. No rain since you left. Monica
