Wednesday 16 July 2014

Day 13 Vienna -cont..

An interesting day, starting with going through the second lock of the voyage this time in docking alongside 2other cruise ships and walking through them to get to the buses for the tour of Vienna...once more so much information and history...but one very interesting fact is that they burn 70tonnes of rubbish every hour and this is turned into power which helps run the city...where is ours..Queensland????  and our Govt hasn't paid us to come on a fact finding mission!!!!  Another interesting part are the water stations, dotted around the city excellent idea...after visiting the main square Cathedral etc.and passing the stables housing the mares and foals of the Spanish Riding School(..this is in the middle of the city!!) We headed to the schnapps museum and yes you guessed correctly sampling of the same!!! Lyn saved some money today she never had to pay for a toilet stop!!!! It was then onto the bus and back to the boat in time for a late dinner. Arriving at our cabin only to find another cruise ship docked beside us!!!
The lock..nearly there
Taking on fuel
Waiting for the green light
Cathedral in the main square
Schnapps Museum
Highest building in Austria just opened this year
Ship docked beside us & the drinking water for free

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