Monday 7 July 2014

Day 3

Another busy day, leaving Roma early we travelled to Sorrento arriving early afternoon, a walk around the Square and we were then back onto the bus for the Amalfi coast....what a road, narrow, windy and many stops to either back up for other buses or for cars to move out of our way..,the scenery was spectacular and to see all the locals swimming, how about this folks you pay €25 to rent an umbrella, 2 chairs, & 2 towels.     Prior to that the only way to the 'beach' is via hundreds of steps so pack your lunch and let's go....the story goes that on Friday afternoons Muma cooks the pasta and prepares all the food for the picnic on Sunday at the beach and then by the time you have eaten you then have to wait before you can go for a swim then it is time to go home!!!! Thank goodness for the Gold Coast beaches are we not spoilt?  The photos show:  Sorrento beach:  Naples:    looking towards Sorrento: Amalfi Coast

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