Tuesday 15 July 2014

Dat 12 Budapest - on the Danube

Once again we were on the coach for a tour of Budapest, some walking as well..what an interesting city and so much to learn about these countries..the impressive Heroes Square at the end of the 'grand avenue' Andrassy Boulevard, which is longer than the Champes de Élysées in Paris and some say better, of that I'm not sure but it is certainly impressive. We then went to the Castle district on the Buda side of the river, and the views of Pest and the Danube from this height were great...
a quick return to the ship and in no time the ship moored onto us had moved out and we were free to glide away and start our journey, very smoothly and on time!!!  It was nice to have a leisurely afternoon relaxing on the sun deck before the daily briefing and then the Captains cocktails and dinner...another lovely day..

Cruising up the river feet first!!


  1. Wonder whose legs they are?. Keep the Blog going. We are enjoying it. Eric

  2. Looks like your relaxing and enjoying the cruise, what beautiful weather your having. Hope Lyn is as relaxed! Dianne &Malcolm are about 5 days in front of you going same direction. Cheers Bev
