Saturday 26 July 2014

Day 23 Koblenz -Cologne, Germany

This morning it was up early and onto the coaches for a guided tour to Marksburg Castle...some steps to climb here but the sight and history were well worth the effort, so that's why we put the kilo's on so we could exercise them off!!!!! Some stayed on board and enjoyed the scenery of the Rhine as we cruised to Andernach, where we awaited the guided tour group to rejoin the again and onto Cologne passing many folk enjoying their Saturday either camping, caravaning, motor homes every where, or just fishing, and picnicking...we passed the remnants of the Remagen Bridge and the Dragon's  castle...arriving in was off again on yet another guided tour of yet another Cathedral, however they are all beautiful and well worth the visit, there was also a visit to the beer place and the vouchers were well used...temperature,well, after the mist lifted it was in the high 20's low 30's, so we rolled back on board to get ready for the Captains Cocktails and Farewell Dinner...another wonderful holiday sadly drawing to a close...have we won lotto yet?????
Remagen Brudge Remnants

Look out we are coming through..shipping on the Rhine
Housing at Cologne over the Rhine....yes that's the way they are built...Cathedral at Cologne

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